Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Building Creative Confidence



Today I am going to tell you about creative confidence. In order to continue let me take you to a journey of my school.

One day my friend Amit was working on a project. He was using a piece of clay which our teacher kept inside the sink in chemistry lab.

He was making a horse with that clay and he was emotionally dedicated to that. At once one of the girl who was sitting at his table after seeing what he was doing leaned over and said to him "That’s terrible !!! That doesn't look anything like a horse .... L”.

My friend Amit looked at the horse with emotional intensity and threw it back in the dustbin. I have never seen Amit doing project like that ever again. He never did things like that just because he was judged badly .This feeling swept out the creative part from his life.

I wonder how often that happens.  When I told this story to some of my friends, a lot of them told me about their similar experiences.

How a teacher shut them down and how a student was particularly cruel to them. They some kind of opt out as thinking of themselves creative at that point. I see that opting out that happens in childhood and it moves in and becomes more miserable by the time you get to your adult life. So we see a lot of this.

Later on when they are asked to do something creative, they say "we are not the creative type ". But we know that's not true. If they stick with the process and they stick with it, then there will be end of doing amazing things. They sometimes surprise themselves just how creative they really are .....

I have been looking at the fear of judgement that we generally have and we afraid doing new thinks just because we are going to be judged. If we don't say the right creative thing then we are going to be judged.

If somehow you are a thought leader at some point in your life . I ask you to didn’t let people divide the world in categories of creative and non-creative, like some god gifted  things. And to have people realise that they are naturally creative. And those natural people should let their ideas fly and they can do what their ideas ask them to do and I call it ‘self-efficacy’.

I really believe that when people gain this confidence and when we see it all the time, they start working on things that are really important in their lives. We see people quit what they are doing now and go to new directions and we see them come up with more interesting ideas and they just make better decisions.

I see this life to be lived only once and you are not creative just because others make fun of your creative art. I have a theory in my head which says people appreciate when you achieve success. Getting success by following you own creative idea is a special success for me and for everyone in this world.

That’s what I want you all to be. I don’t want anyone to be next Amit Mehra.
 I want everyone to be special kind of creative genius who has his own ideas to work upon. I will love if you share your creative theory or idea right here. I will be more delightful if you share your own story of chemistry lab creativeness and your personal experience regarding this world of creativeness.
 Now I ask you all to draw conclusion for me. I will love to read your conclusions and creative ideas.

Check out my official website Digital Period

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